Laurel and North Shoreview Elementary Preschool Toilet Rooms

General Information

Site Address

Laurel Elementary School:

316 36th Ave,

San Mateo, CA, 94403

North Shoreview Montessori School

1301 Cypress Ave,

San Mateo, CA, 94401

District Address

1170 Chess Drive

Foster City, CA, 94404


Remodel of Toilet Rooms and Miscellaneous Work at Each Site

Laurel Elementary School:

The scope of work includes replacement of existing classroom toilet in Building E with new preschool toilet room and repurposing existing classroom space into two preschool classrrooms and a teacher collaboration space and preschool toilet room. Please refer to drawings for more detailed information.

North Shoreview Montessori Elementary School:

The scope of work includes replacing existing TK toilets with new preschool toilets for preschool classroom and converting existing TK classroom into new TK classroom and toilet rooms serving TK and K classrooms at building A. Please refer to drawings for more detailed information.


Pre-Proposal Site Tour

Laurel and North Shoreview:

Thursday, February 29th, 2024, 10 AM.

Laurel Main/Admin Building Front Entrance. See above for address.

Bid Question Deadline

March 7th, 10 AM. Please submit to; cc,,, and

Addenda Deadline

March 11th, 10 AM

Proposals Due

March 14th, 10 AM at San Mateo Foster City School District - 1170 Chess Drive, Foster City, CA, 94404

Additional Information


Prequalify at Quality Bidders